




オクトパストラベラー × スクエニカフェ東京・大阪 6/30-8/10 コラボ開催!!

7月13日にリリースされるスクウェア・エニックス新作Nintendo Switchゲーム「OCTOPATH TRAVELER (オクトパス トラベラー)」× スクエニカフェ東京・大阪にて6/30からコラボカフェ開催決定!利用・入場方法は事前予約制(ローチケ)、コラボレーション開催期間は2018年6月30日〜8月10日まで!!

オクトパストラベラー × スクエニカフェ東京・大阪のメニュー


【東京・大阪】 通期フードメニュー


It may look like your typical Okinawan-style “taco rice” at first glance, but the “meat” is actually seasoned ground octopus! It may sound odd, but the taste quickly won over the hearts of the entire development team. A true culinary masterpiece worthy of the Octopath name!


A twist on the popular Japanese street food, this dish features fried popovers filled with succulent diced octopus and fondue cheese, seasoned with okonomiyaki sauce and spicy cod roe mayonnaise. Topped with parmesan cheese and oven baked, the dish is sure to delight discerning travelers from all over!

【東京・前半7/20まで】 フードメニュー

本日の狩人飯 950円(税込)
Hunter’s Platter

Feast on wild game meat fresh from the hunt, with a side of scrumptious sweetdough. The latter has been prepared according to H’aanit’s own recipe, refined through years of preparing her own food night after night as she and her master pursued their prey.

山羊のチーズのブルスケッタ 930円(税込)
Goat’s Milk Cheese and Highlands Bread

Olberic’s home in the Highlands is notable for its wild goat population, and the rich cheese made from their milk has been one of the warrior’s favorites since childhood. Enjoy it on thickly sliced bread and topped off with a drizzle of honey.

聖火教会の豆スープ 860円(税込)
Sacred Flame Bean Soup

This simple-yet-hearty dish is a staple at the Church, where Ophelia has served since her early years. With lentil beans in a tomato and consomme broth, it’s sure to warm the heart and soul. Includes a small bun for added nourishment.

盗品リンゴのシャーベットブリュレ 880円(税込)
Stolen Apple Sherbet Brûlée

As a thief, Therion doesn’t have much occasion to cook, but he sure likes his apples. We sliced one in half, made it into sherbet, then topped it off with custard and torched it to caramelize the surface. Around it, you’ll find multicolored gelatin beans representing the four dragonstones he seeks.

【東京・後半7/21から】 フードメニュー

酒場チキン 〜「ラ・プリムローズ」のソースを添えて〜 1,000円(税込)
Tavern-Style Chicken à la Primrose

A roast chicken dish popular in Master Helgenish’s tavern in Sunshade. Always looking for ways to make a few quick leaves off his star dancer, he ordered his chef to come up with a distinctive wine-based sauce named after her. Sure enough, the dish quickly became a favorite with the ruffians and street toughs who frequent the establishment.

探求のお供サンドイッチ 950円(税込)
Sandwich of Ultimate Knowledge

Cyrus is a fan of sandwiches, which are perfect for snacking while you study. This one features pastrami layered between slices of bread decorated to resemble the tomes of ancient knowledge he so craves.

薬師の特製薬膳サラダ -調合ドレッシング付き- 840円(税込)
Medicinal Herb and Fruit Salad

A salad made from only the healthiest ingredients, as selected by Alfyn himself. Revitalize yourself with healing grapes and olives of life, and mix the accompanying dressing and thyme as you like to concoct your perfect topping.

商売繁盛!お宝盛り合わせパフェ 930円(税込)
Treasure Trove Parfait

Topped with yuzu jelly, cassata cake, and a chocolate coin, this dessert is a veritable treasure chest. Rumors that simply eating this will improve your luck in trade are dubious at best, but there’s no doubting that it’s one of Tressa’s favorites.

【大阪・前半7/20まで】 フードメニュー

酒場チキン 〜「ラ・プリムローズ」のソースを添えて〜 1,000円(税込)
Tavern-Style Chicken à la Primrose

A roast chicken dish popular in Master Helgenish’s tavern in Sunshade. Always looking for ways to make a few quick leaves off his star dancer, he ordered his chef to come up with a distinctive wine-based sauce named after her. Sure enough, the dish quickly became a favorite with the ruffians and street toughs who frequent the establishment.

探求のお供サンドイッチ 950円(税込)
Sandwich of Ultimate Knowledge

Cyrus is a fan of sandwiches, which are perfect for snacking while you study. This one features pastrami layered between slices of bread decorated to resemble the tomes of ancient knowledge he so craves.

薬師の特製薬膳サラダ -調合ドレッシング付き- 840円(税込)
Medicinal Herb and Fruit Salad

A salad made from only the healthiest ingredients, as selected by Alfyn himself. Revitalize yourself with healing grapes and olives of life, and mix the accompanying dressing and thyme as you like to concoct your perfect topping.

商売繁盛!お宝盛り合わせパフェ 930円(税込)
Treasure Trove Parfait

Topped with yuzu jelly, cassata cake, and a chocolate coin, this dessert is a veritable treasure chest. Rumors that simply eating this will improve your luck in trade are dubious at best, but there’s no doubting that it’s one of Tressa’s favorites.

【大阪・後半7/21から】 フードメニュー

本日の狩人飯 950円(税込)
Hunter’s Platter

Feast on wild game meat fresh from the hunt, with a side of scrumptious sweetdough. The latter has been prepared according to H’aanit’s own recipe, refined through years of preparing her own food night after night as she and her master pursued their prey.

山羊のチーズのブルスケッタ 930円(税込)
Goat’s Milk Cheese and Highlands Bread

Olberic’s home in the Highlands is notable for its wild goat population, and the rich cheese made from their milk has been one of the warrior’s favorites since childhood. Enjoy it on thickly sliced bread and topped off with a drizzle of honey.

聖火教会の豆スープ 860円(税込)
Sacred Flame Bean Soup

This simple-yet-hearty dish is a staple at the Church, where Ophelia has served since her early years. With lentil beans in a tomato and consomme broth, it’s sure to warm the heart and soul. Includes a small bun for added nourishment.

盗品リンゴのシャーベットブリュレ 880円(税込)
Stolen Apple Sherbet Brûlée

As a thief, Therion doesn’t have much occasion to cook, but he sure likes his apples. We sliced one in half, made it into sherbet, then topped it off with custard and torched it to caramelize the surface. Around it, you’ll find multicolored gelatin beans representing the four dragonstones he seeks.

【東京・通期】 ドリンクメニュー

アーフェン・グリーングラス 790円(税込)
Alfyn Greengrass

Barkeep:”One time I had a nasty headache, and Alfyn mixed me a tonic that had me feeling better in no time. He wouldn’t accept any payment for it, so I whipped up this drink up for him instead. The refreshing taste and green color make you think of an apothecary, wouldn’t you say?”
(A green apple-based soda, with green mint syrup that can be added as you like.)

サイラス・オルブライト 790円(税込)
Cyrus Albright

Barkeep:”That Cyrus is a strange one, all right. He’s always reading books in my tavern, like it’s a library or somethin’. More often than not, the ladies are all over him, and yet he barely bats an eyelash. Grrr, what I wouldn’t give for his good looks…”
(A simple, unsweetened tea topped with foam and gold flakes.)

【アルコール】 プリムロゼ・エゼルアート 790円(税込)
Primrose Azelhart <Contains alcohol>

Barkeep:”You heard about that dagger Primrose carries? Well, I did, and it inspired me to whip up this cocktail I named for her. The reddish color symbolizes her burning desire for revenge, but it has an elegant taste befitting the highborn daughter of a noble house.”
(An alcoholic beverage that blends beer and blood orange juice.)

トレサ・コルツォーネ 790円(税込)
Tressa Colzione

Barkeep:”Tressa herself is too young to drink, so I mixed this up for her. She’d barely taken one sip before she started asking what was in it, where I got the ingredients, and how much they cost. A merchant to the end, that one. By the time she emptied the glass, I’d spilled all my secrets. Ah, well…can’t win ‘em all, eh?”
(A breezy, tropical beverage garnished with whipped cream and white chocolate.)

【大阪・通期】 ドリンクメニュー

ハンイット 790円(税込)

Barkeep:”With this non-alcoholic cocktail, I tried to capture the bonds between master and prentice. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen H’aanit drink. She’s a stoic one, eh? Nothing like wild old Z’antaa.”
(A refreshingly sweet soda with peach juice and pink grapefruit.)

オフィーリア・クレメント 790円(税込)
Ophilia Clement

Barkeep:”This one’s sweet and gentle, just like Ophilia herself. Gaze at the blue light that shines from within, and you just may feel like the Sacred Flame is guiding you on a pilgrimage of your own.”
(A clear, crisp soda with blue lychee syrup.)

【アルコール】 オルベリク・アイゼンバーグ 790円(税込)
Olberic Eisenberg <Contains alcohol>

Barkeep:”Olberic likes his wine, so I made this cocktail for him, y’see. Says he drinks only in moderation, but that’s a man who can hold his liquor, believe you me.”
(This American lemonade cocktail is made with red wine and lemon syrup.)

【アルコール】 テリオン 790円(税込)
Therion <Contains alcohol>

Barkeep:”Therion, eh? Try as I might, I just can’t put my finger on that guy. He’s always munching on apples, though, so I thought this cocktail might fit the bill.”
(A soda-based cocktail with apple juice and violet liqueur.)

【東京・後半7/21から】 ドリンクメニュー

ハンイット 790円(税込)

Barkeep:”With this non-alcoholic cocktail, I tried to capture the bonds between master and prentice. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen H’aanit drink. She’s a stoic one, eh? Nothing like wild old Z’antaa.”
(A refreshingly sweet soda with peach juice and pink grapefruit.)

オフィーリア・クレメント 790円(税込)
Ophilia Clement

Barkeep:”This one’s sweet and gentle, just like Ophilia herself. Gaze at the blue light that shines from within, and you just may feel like the Sacred Flame is guiding you on a pilgrimage of your own.”
(A clear, crisp soda with blue lychee syrup.)

【アルコール】 オルベリク・アイゼンバーグ 790円(税込)
Olberic Eisenberg <Contains alcohol>

Barkeep:”Olberic likes his wine, so I made this cocktail for him, y’see. Says he drinks only in moderation, but that’s a man who can hold his liquor, believe you me.”
(This American lemonade cocktail is made with red wine and lemon syrup.)

【アルコール】 テリオン 790円(税込)
Therion <Contains alcohol>

Barkeep:”Therion, eh? Try as I might, I just can’t put my finger on that guy. He’s always munching on apples, though, so I thought this cocktail might fit the bill.”
(A soda-based cocktail with apple juice and violet liqueur.)

【大阪・後半7/21から】 ドリンクメニュー

アーフェン・グリーングラス 790円(税込)
Alfyn Greengrass

Barkeep:”One time I had a nasty headache, and Alfyn mixed me a tonic that had me feeling better in no time. He wouldn’t accept any payment for it, so I whipped up this drink up for him instead. The refreshing taste and green color make you think of an apothecary, wouldn’t you say?”
(A green apple-based soda, with green mint syrup that can be added as you like.)

サイラス・オルブライト 790円(税込)
Cyrus Albright

Barkeep:”That Cyrus is a strange one, all right. He’s always reading books in my tavern, like it’s a library or somethin’. More often than not, the ladies are all over him, and yet he barely bats an eyelash. Grrr, what I wouldn’t give for his good looks…”
(A simple, unsweetened tea topped with foam and gold flakes.)

【アルコール】 プリムロゼ・エゼルアート 790円(税込)
Primrose Azelhart <Contains alcohol>

Barkeep:”You heard about that dagger Primrose carries? Well, I did, and it inspired me to whip up this cocktail I named for her. The reddish color symbolizes her burning desire for revenge, but it has an elegant taste befitting the highborn daughter of a noble house.”
(An alcoholic beverage that blends beer and blood orange juice.)

トレサ・コルツォーネ 790円(税込)
Tressa Colzione

Barkeep:”Tressa herself is too young to drink, so I mixed this up for her. She’d barely taken one sip before she started asking what was in it, where I got the ingredients, and how much they cost. A merchant to the end, that one. By the time she emptied the glass, I’d spilled all my secrets. Ah, well…can’t win ‘em all, eh?”
(A breezy, tropical beverage garnished with whipped cream and white chocolate.)

オクトパストラベラー × スクエニカフェ東京・大阪のノベルティー


コラボレーション開催期間中、フードメニューを1品注文ごとに「限定オリジナルランチョンマット (全6種)」をランダムに1枚プレゼント!!
※ 前半・後半で絵柄が異なります


※ シークレット2種あり、前半・後半で絵柄が異なります


コラボカフェにて飲食利用の方でNintendo Switchをお持ちいただき「オクトパストラベラー」のゲーム画面提示で先着にてお好きなキャラクターのステッカー (キャラ毎の8種類)を1枚プレゼント!!



オクトパストラベラー × スクエニカフェ東京・大阪のグッズ

※ 画像をタップすると拡大出来ます。

オクトパストラベラー × スクエニカフェ東京・大阪のイベント開催概要


開催期間 2018年6月30日〜8月10日
入店・利用方法 前予約制 (ローソンチケット)
関連リンク オクトパストラベラー公式サイト

スクウェア・エニックス カフェ東京・秋葉原

公式サイト 特設ページ
営業時間 9:00~22:30
住所 〒101-0028 東京都千代田区神田花岡町1-1 ヨドバシAkiba 1階
アクセス・地図 Googleマップで見る
お問い合わせ 03-6206-4141
予約ページ スクエニカフェ東京予約ページ

スクウェア・エニックス カフェ大阪・梅田

公式サイト 特設ページ
営業時間 9:00~22:30
住所 〒530-0011 大阪府大阪市北区大深町1-1 ヨドバシ梅田B1F
アクセス・地図 Googleマップで見る
お問い合わせ 06-6225-7546
予約ページ スクエニカフェ大阪予約ページ


※ 記事の情報が古い場合がありますのでお手数ですが直接カフェまたは公式サイトの情報をご確認をお願いいたします。

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